Saturday, December 8, 2018

Wavy Frame Tag Tutorial

Needed:Paint Shop Pro

This tutorial is rewritten, from a former stationery tutorial of mine, for tag making. 

I used PSPX5 but this can be done in other versions.

A Tube
I used a Creative Design Outlet tube from ©Renee Biertempfel
Please do not use her art, or any ptu artwork, without purchasing it first, and giving proper credit. 

A background paper or photo to complement the tube.
I used an inspired by scrap kit by Gimptastic Scraps (for background paper and elements),
also purchased from Creative Design Outlet, here.

The free for personal use font I used is Another day in Paradise, and can be fount at

No outside plugins required.

Let's Begin:

1. File > Open your background paper/photo.

2. Edit > Copy

3. File > New Image
Width = 663 Pixels
Height = 440
Raster Background and Transparent = Checked

4. Edit > Paste As New Layer

5. Use your move tool to where you like your image best. 
Alternatively, if you really like the images  you may have on your background paper or photo, you could Select all and paste into selection instead.

6. Crop Tool
Snap crop Rectangle to = Merged Opaque
Double Click or Apply (with check mark).

7. File > Open your tube

8. Edit > Copy

9. Edit > Paste As New Layer

10. Image > Resize
Resample using = Weighted Average
Lock aspect ratio = Checked
Resize all layers = Unhecked
Resize by Percent down to the center.
Don't worry about the size right now, we just need this to help make the frame match nicely.

11. Dropper Tool
Left click on your tube for a color for your frame. 

12. Layers > New Raster Layer

13. Image > Canvas Size
Lock aspect ratio = Unchecked
Width = Original width + 20 = 683
Height = Original height + 20 = 460
Placement = Center  

14. Selections > Select All

15. Selections > Modify > Contract
Number of pixels =10

16. Selections > Invert

17. Flood Fill Tool
Match mode = None
Use all layers = Unchecked
Blend mode = Normal
Opacity = 100
Flood fill with your foreground color.

18. Effects > 3D Effects > Inner Bevel
Bevel = 2
Width = 10
Smoothness = 50
Depth = 8
Ambience = 15
Shininess = 25
Color = White
Angle = 315
Intensity = 30
Elevation = 60

19. Selections > Select None

20. Image > Canvas Size
Add 80 Pixels to Width and Height
Width = 763
Height = 540

21. Effects > Distortion Effects > Wave
Horizontal and Vertical displacement:
Amplitude = 5
Wavelength = 25
Edge mode = Transparent

22. Image > Resize
Width and Height = 85

23. Layers > Duplicate

24. Image > Flip Vertical

25. Layers > Merge > Merge Down

If needed, move the background so that it fits inside the frame to your liking. Make sure not to have gaps close to the insides of the frame. If you did this, highlight your top layer for the next step.

26. Magic Wand Tool
Mode = Add (Shift)
Match mode = RGB Value
Tolerance = 0
Use all layers = Not checked
Contiguous = Checked
Feather = 0
Anti-alias = Checked 
Inside = Chosen
Select transparent section outside your wavy border.  

27. Selections > Modify > Expand
Number of pixels = 4 

28. In Layers palette:
Highlight your background paper layer.

29. Edit > Clear
(Or delete key on your keyboard.)

30. Selections > Select None

In Layers palette:
31. Highlight top layer.

32. Magic Wand Tool
Select inside every other hole = 14

33. Selections > Modify > Expand

In Layers palette:
34. Highlight background paper layer.

35. Selections > Promote Selection to Layer

36. Change your foreground to the pattern you
see of your image in the Material's palette
patterns section. Angle = 0, Scale = 100

37. Flood Fill Tool
Flood fill with your pattern.

38. Effects > Reflection Effects > Pattern
Use the dice (Randomize Parameters) to find something you like.
Note: You could flood fill with another color from your tube and add an effect, or use a gradient or pattern.

Optional, but I really like it.:
39. Adjust Blur > Gaussian Blur
Radius = Anywhere from 0.50 - 8.00. You choose what looks best.

40. Selections > Select None
Note: You may choose to keep the background in the rest of the frame. If so, skip ahead to step 50.

In Layers palette:
41. Highlight top layer.

42. Magic Wand Tool
Select inside the other 14
transparent holes.

43. Selections > Modify > Expand

In Layers palette:
44. Highlight background paper layer.

45. Selections > Promote Selection to Layer

46. Flood Fill Tool
Fill with your pattern.

47. Effects > Reflection Effects > Pattern
Use the dice (Randomize Parameters) to find something you like.
Note: If you need to, copy your background paper or tube and paste into selection and try the dice again. Or flood fill with another color from your tube and add an effect, or use a gradient or pattern.

Be creative. :)

48. Adjust Blur > Gaussian Blur
Radius = Anywhere from 0.50 - 8.00. You choose what looks best.

49. Selections > Select None

50. Time to either use your tube size as is or paste it on and resize it again, and move to your liking. 

If you need to delete some of it, just place where you want it and use your magic wand to click inside the holes of the frame, as well as outside the frame, if need be, then with tube highlighted click delete on your keyboard.
Add other elements if you'd like, resizing as needed.

51. Adjust > Sharpness > Unsharp Mask (for tube and any elements layers)
Radius = 1.00
Strength = 47
Clipping = 5
Luminance only = Checked

52. Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow
Vertical = -1
Horizontal = 1
Opacity = 50
Blur = 5
Color = Black
Shadow on new layer = Unchecked

53. Edit > Repeat Drop Shadow

In Layers palette:
54. Highlight Top (frame) layer.
Edit > Repeat Drop Shadow

55. Add word art and/or name (I used a pattern of the background with frame for my fill), and add shadow 2 - 3 times, or shadow of choice. You can add a masked paper behind if you'd like.

56. Resize to your liking. Adjust sharpness if needed. 

57. Add your copyright information. 

58. Crop Tool
Snap crop Rectangle to = Merged Opaque
Apply/double click.

You can save your frame for use another time, and/or merge visible all layers.

Save as a .png for a transparent background.

I hope you enjoyed my tutorial. Have fun with it!
I would love to see what you made with it. 


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